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Pastoral Council

Office bearers 

President : Michael Mascarenhas

Vice Precident : Belchar Mascarenhas

Secretory : Winnyfred Pinto

Commission Coordinator : Suraj Moras

A pastoral council is a consultative body in dioceses and parishes of the Catholic Church that serves to advise the parish priest or bishop about pastoral issues. The council's main purpose is to investigate, reflect and reach conclusions about pastoral matters to recommend to the parish priest or bishop as appropriate.

St Jacob church parish council elections have been conducted on December 2022 and new council and office bearers were elected for the year 2023-2025.

Catholic Sabha

Office bearers 

President : Gabrial Dsouza

Secretory : Shanthi Saldanha

Catholic sabha is an association of Catholics at Mangalore Diocese which exists with the permission of Bishop of Mangalore. Its registration no is132/87-88 . This association helps the laity to involve themselves in political administration, which will bestow positive effects on society to face the challenges which are ahead of them. In Mangalore catholic sabha came to existence on 23 rd April, 1979, in order to improve the laity's role In the Church and in the Society . In our Parish Catholic Sabha came to existence on 10th December, 1986. We conduct leadership training program, political awareness program, youth training, awareness about drug addiction, career guidance program etc.

SVP - Society of St Vincent de Paul

Office bearers 

President : Gregory Sequeira

Secretory : Siyana Dsouza

Its mission is to serve to the very poorest, friends in need and the excluded, with deep respect regardless of creed, ethnic or social background, health or political opinions, to provide any form of help that allevates sufffering or deprivation and to promote human dignity and personal integrity in all their difficulties.

Our parish SSVP started in the year 1988. It helps food grains to poor and needy people every week. Also help poor to repair their houses. Educational, medical help for deserving.

ICYM - Indian Catholic Youth Movement

Office bearers 

President : Shawn Saldanha

Secretory : Sasha Sequeria

To promote a healthy relationship between the youth groups/parents/parishoners.To facilitate the understanding of catholic faith,life and vocation and to ensure commitment amonh the youth to continue the Mission of the church.

In our parish ICYM came to existance in 1975. Shramadhan, leadership training program, cultural programs are conducted.

SFO - Secular Franciscan 3rd Order

Office bearers 

President : Sunitha Tauro

Secretory : Juliana Furtado

Secular Franciscan third order is a vocation, a way of life approved by the church, for men and women, married or single, who are called take an active part in the mission of Christ to bring the good news of salvation to the world.

In our parish SFO started on 8.12.1982.They conduct prayer services.They visit poor and sick people and asylums and help them.

YCS - Young Christian Students

Office bearers

President : Stephan Rebello

Secretory : Lavisha Moras

Young Christian Students To involve a new society, where people live in harmony, where there is total freedom for the complete growth of the individual, where each and every person is respected in dignity hence valuing peace, love, truth, justice and equality.

To enable the personal growth of students and young teenagers promoting and strengthing their faith and commitment to society ycs is started in our parish in 2004.

Prajwal Womens Association

Office bearers

President : Juliana Dsouza

Secretory : Vailet Mendonca

Women's association started in parish on 10.02.2008. It was brought into existance to bring all the women's from church together, build social bonding, participate in good deeds, help themselves and each other, and grow with compassion.

Womanhood lies in the strength, compassion and courage of each and every woman. They conduct medical camps, organise shramadhan and clean church and church premises. They also conduct various competitions and games.

Altar Servers - Boys and Girls

Office bearers



Young boys and girls from 5th standard, upto 10th standard join this association. They get training in participating service of altar. It enables them promoting their personal growth and talents, strengthing their faith and commitment to church and society.