St Jacob Church through the years

Introduction : St Jacob Church Kateel is situated about 27 km North- East of Mangalore city and about 4km South of Kinnigoly Village-town. Kateel has its own religious importance for Hindus of this area as the famous Shree Durga Parameshwari Temple is situated here. The Christian scattered over this place felt the need to build a church for Sunday Liturgical purpose and for worship.

In the year 1964 the Late Fr. Jacob Lobo of revered memory was the parish at the church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Kinnigoly. Realizing the plight of Catholics of Maradka, Hazaar, Kallakumer and Yekkar wards residing far away from their respective parishes of Kinnigoly, Kirem and Permude in attending the Sunday services and to perform their other religious duties. He in the year 1964, decided to build a chapel close to these wards. Acquisition of land : At first a piece of land in Hazaar ward was chosen to build a church but due to some controversy and objections this idea was abandoned. Subsequently, on 20th November 1964, Fr. Jacob Lobo purchased a plot of land measuring 2.02 acres bearing Survey No. 52-8 and 55-2 in Kondemoola Grama within Maradka ward from one Mr. Peter Rebello at a reasonable price. As this small piece of land was found insufficient for the chapel. The said priest applied for a piece of Kumki land bearing S. No. 69-1 adjacent to the land already purchased. The patta for this land was given in the year 1965. The total area of the land so obtained is 2 acres and 74 cents.

Fr. Joseph A Cradoza , took over charges of St. Jacob church as the fourth parish priest on 27th May 1983. Soon after his assuming charge of this parish, he called a meeting of the Parish Council at which it was decided to take in hand the construction of a new church building and to send out appeals for donations to our friends and well wishers in India as well as abroad and also to some Organizations and Societies as the cost of the building was then estimated to be about five lakhs of rupees and the parishioners could not afford to meet this huge amount from their limited resources. Donations and contributions started to reach the Church Building Committee which was established for the purpose of which the parish priest was the President. This encouraged the Church Building Committee to start the new church building and to fix a date for laying of the Foundation. His Lordship the Bishop of Mangalore who has been Whole Heartedly supporting our cause , agreed to lay and bless the Foundation stone. On 10th January 1984, the Foundation laying Ceremony was conducted by his Lordship the Bishop and the construction work commenced. Mr. Ronald D’souza the licensed Architect was entrusted with the work of construction of the new church building.

On 5th May 2019, he was transferred to Bajpe church and Fr. Michael Mascarenhas was appointed as 11th Parish Priest. He is a prayerful priest and made the parishioners known the importance of prayer in their day to day life. Started adoration on Sundays before the mass and on Friday evening mass, adoration and prayers. Our church completed its 50 years in 2021, but due to Corona pandemic, this golden jubilee celebration was postponed and was celebrated in a simple way on 29th December 2022, in the presence of His Lordship Bishop of Mangalore. As the preparation for this event, the statue of our Patron St. Jacob was circulated to each and everyone’s house of the parish. Arranged a night vigil prayer and the parishioners participated in large number. On 22nd December, arranged “Souharda Koota” (Christmas get together) and invited our hindu religious leaders from Kateel Shri Durga Parameshwari Temple, Panchayat leaders, Sri Bramha Mugera Mahakali Temple leaders and other guests. Many good and helpful deeds were undertaken in every communities of the church. People participated in large numbers in these kind acts such as cleaning of the roadsides by picking up and destroying the thrash, plastic etc., helping to get the marriage proposals, house renovation of poor people, helping the sick and aged people, cleaning the houses and surroundings of the lonely and sick people, arranging bible quiz etc... Also, conducted drug awareness program in the church where people gathered in large numbers. Conducted career guidance program arranged, scholarship for poor children’s education distributed every year.

The remaining amount from the jubilee celebration was put in the fixed deposit and the interest received from that amount will be used for scholarship, medical need for the poor as well as renovation of houses of poor people. Conducted Children’s day, Teacher’s day, Mother’s day, Father’s day, Grand Parent’s day, Independence day. Arranged sports day, speech competition and honoured the talented children by giving them gifts, certificates etc… In October 2021, the wards which were having more than 40 families were divided into two wards thus two more wards were formed thus our parish is now having 7 wards. As a preparation for the 50 years Jubilee Celebration, the Altar renovation and painting, new tabernacle was brought and fixed, church portico was renovated, painting of the church, tiles for the sacristy and the upstairs laid. The road to theburial ground was constructed with help of donors. All this was possible by the parishioner’s and well wisher’s donations. Also, from the Karnataka Government’s Minority fund, 25 lakhs was sanctioned for the renovation of the church roof and 25 lakhs for building the boundary wall to the graveyard. The remaining wall along the boundary to the graveyard was built. Interlocks for the road to graveyard were laid. The renovation of the church roof was done and new tiles for the church is pending. As soon as we receive this remaining amount, we will start the work and with the blessings of St. Jacob and our parishioner’s, remaining part of retaining wall was completed. Roof over Sacristy is also done. Donations and hard work, we will be able to finish this work successfully.

On 9th June 2012, he was transferred to Permai Parish and Fr. Ronald Cutinho was appointed as 10th Parish Priest. He was very talented and enthusiastic. First of all he has improved children’s sports and speech talent and encouraged the elders to work together as a family. He has trained the ladies and started Women association. Also, given importance to agriculture and beautified the flower garden and Mother Mary’s grotto and repaired the church compound. Improved the liturgical service and encouraged everyone to take part in liturgical service. He has taken a lot of pain in renovating the Presbytery and building the Church Community Hall, aid of rupees 36.75 lakhs received from Minority Commission of Karnataka Government. This whole project’s cost amounted to Rs. 2 crores. With the donations of parishioners and well wishers, he could complete this project successfully. On 31st October 2017, the Hall and Presbytery was inaugurated by His Lordship The Bishop of Mangalore. A souvenir is released on this occasion. He was also the Head of “Samanvaya“ organization . He helped the students to get scholarship for studies, medical help for the poor and the needy, financial help for the poor for their marriage, house renovation, conducted tailoring and beautician courses for the ladies. Also, arranged training on master of ceremony and yoga. A vast parking space in front of the hall was arranged and interlock was laid for the church compound as well as hall compound. With the donations from the parishioners, made the new kneelers. With the Minority Commission of Karnataka Government, aid of Rs.10 lakhs he has rebuilt and strengthened the church retaining wall. Diamond Jubilee of Fr. Ronald Coutinho celebrated on 1st May 2019. A souvenir is released on this occasion and amount collected through advertisement was utilised to reimburse the loan.