2nd November 2024 - All Souls Day
St. Jacob Church in Kateel observed All Souls' Day on November 2, 2024, with a solemn and heartfelt series of events. The day began with a 7:30 AM Solemn Eucharistic Mass celebrated by the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas. Following the Mass, a procession was held to the cemetery, which had been beautifully decorated by the parishioners under the guidance of the Parish Pastoral Council. The cemetery was then blessed by Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas, providing a sacred space for the faithful to reflect and pray for their departed loved ones.
All Souls' Day is a significant occasion for Christians worldwide to remember and pray for the souls of the faithful departed. Observed on November 2, this day serves as a moment to intercede on behalf of those believed to be in purgatory, undergoing purification before entering the fullness of heaven. It is a day of remembrance and prayer, recognizing the importance of the communion of saints and the bond of prayer that connects the living and the departed.
In the evening, at 6:30 PM, devotees gathered once again at the cemetery, lighting candles in a beautiful gesture of remembrance and solidarity. A prayer service, including the Rosary, was held, led by Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas. The service was a deeply moving occasion, with participation from the choir, parish pastoral council members, and many other devoted parishioners. The prayers offered were an expression of gratitude and love for departed family members and a reaffirmation of faith in the resurrection.
The observance of All Souls' Day at St. Jacob Church provided an opportunity for the community to come together in prayer, offering their support for the souls of the departed and reflecting on the shared hope of eternal life with God. It was a beautiful occasion for all present to express their love, respect, and gratitude for their deceased loved ones.
1st November 2024 - All Saints Day
St. Jacob Church in Kateel celebrated All Saints' Day on November 1, 2024, with a special Adoration Solemnity Eucharistic Mass at 7:00 AM, celebrated by the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas. The celebration saw the participation of parish pastoral council members and many devoted parishioners.
All Saints' Day is a significant feast in the Church, where the faithful honor all the saints, both canonized and those known only to God, who enjoy the beatific vision in heaven. This solemnity not only celebrates the saints whose lives inspire us, but also reminds us of our own “universal call to holiness.”
The Church's tradition of celebrating All Saints’ Day goes back to the early centuries, when martyrs were the primary saints honored. However, Pope Gregory IV established November 1 as the feast day to commemorate all saints, both known and unknown. It is a reminder for us all to strive for holiness in our own lives.
As the homily reflected, to join the company of saints in heaven, we must follow the example of Christ, conforming ourselves to His image, and seeking the will of the Father in all things. Through devotion to God’s glory and service to our neighbors, the holiness of the People of God will grow, just as evidenced by the many saints who have gone before us. This call to holiness is not just for a select few, but for all of us.
The celebration at St. Jacob Church served as a powerful reminder of this universal calling to live lives of holiness, inspired by the lives of saints, and committed to the service of God and others.
13th October 2024 - Vehicle Blessing Ceremony
On Sunday, October 13, a Vehicle Blessing Ceremony took place at St. Jacob Church, beginning with a Eucharistic Mass at 7:15 AM. Special prayers were offered for vehicle owners and drivers, emphasizing safety and protection on the roads.
The parish priest, Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas, blessed the vehicles in attendance. The event was organized by the Catholic Sabha Kateel unit, with participation from parish council members and Catholic Sabha office bearers. It was a meaningful occasion that brought the community together in prayer and reflection for safe travels.
12th October 2024 - Confirmation & Resurrection of Jesu Christ Grotto Inauguration
The Confirmation ceremony and blessing of the newly built Resurrection of Jesus Christ Grotto took place on Saturday, October 12, at St. Jacob Church, Kateel.
Confirmation is a significant sacrament that completes Baptism, symbolizing the Bishop's seal of approval on the faith journey of the candidates. It marks a personal commitment to grow in the knowledge, love, and practice of Catholic faith, granting individuals a new identity as full members of the Church. This sacrament, instituted by Jesus Christ, confers the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord.
A total of 26 children received the sacrament of Confirmation, administered by the Bishop of Mangalore, Rt. Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, who anointed the candidates with Chrism (holy oil) and concelebrated the Holy Eucharist alongside the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas.
Following the ceremony, Bishop Saldanha blessed the newly constructed Grotto of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ located at the St. Jacob Church cemetery. The event was attended by parish pastoral council members, ward gurkars, parents, teachers, and devotees. Refreshments were served to all participants, fostering a sense of community and celebration.
8th September 2024 - Nativity of Mother Mary @St. Jacob Church Kateel
Monti Fest: A cultural and Religious celebration.
On September 8, 2024, St. Jacob Church in Kateel celebrated Monti Fest with a vibrant and heartfelt observance. The day began at 7:45 AM near the grotto, where the new crop was blessed. The Gurkars of the ward brought fresh corn, symbolizing the fruit of the harvest and acknowledging God’s Providence.
A procession then carried the blessed new corn to the church, where Rev. Fr. Vinod Mascarenhas, the director of Diya Special School in Ujire, and Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas concelebrated the Holy Eucharistic Mass. Following the Mass, the blessed corn was distributed among the parishioners, fostering a spirit of togetherness and gratitude. Each family received a kit containing sugar cane and fruits, and an auction of vegetables brought by devotees was held, with the proceeds going to SSVP.
Traditionally, families gathered for a special meal featuring the new corn, prepared with love and care. This vegetarian meal was more than just nourishment; it symbolized unity, love, and the strengthening of familial bonds.
In the afternoon, children, youth, and adults came together for entertainment. Various games and events organized by ICYM provided opportunities to nurture values and cherish relationships.
Monti Fest is not only a celebration of the harvest and the blessings of daily bread but also a moment to unite and bond as a community under the loving care of our Heavenly Mother.
1st September 2024 - Teachers’ Day Celebration at St. Jacob Church, Kateel
On 1st September 2024, St. Jacob Church in Kateel celebrated Teachers’ Day with a special prayer and Eucharistic Holy Mass at 7:00 AM. The Catholic Sabha organized the event, honoring 22 dedicated teachers from the parish.
Following the Mass, the Teachers’ Day celebration commenced with Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas, the parish priest, recognizing and honoring the teachers for their contributions. Mrs. Helen Saldanha delivered an inspiring message about the significance of Teachers’ Day.
The event was graced by Catholic Sabha President Gabriel D'Souza, Vice President of PPC Belchar Mascarenhas, as well as members of the PPC and Catholic Sabha.
The occasion highlighted the vital role of educators and provided a platform to express gratitude for their hard work and dedication.
15th August 2024 - Assumption of Mother Mary | 78th Independence day celebration
On August 15,2024, St Jacob church Kateel celebrated the feast of the. Assumption of Mary and independence day with special mass a flag hoisting ceremony , blending patriotic observance with spiritual reflection.
The Eucharistic celebration provided a space for the congregation to reflect on. both spiritual and national themes, emphasing unity and integrity.
Fallowing the Holy mass , the congregation gathered for the flag hoisting celebration. The national Flag was hoisted by parish priest Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas and Rev. Fr. Alwyn Aranha. The observance at St Jacob church Kateel effectively combined the solemnity of the mass with the patriotic celebration of Independence day . Parish pastrol council and ICYM members organised the celebration. ICYM folks came together to participate in liturgical activities, decorated the altar and carried the procession of offerings. Sweets were distributed . Catholic sabha , women’s association ,s v p, SFO, members and the. parishners participated in the celebration.
11th August 2024 - Ward patron feast of St Jacob ward, Kambla
The Ward Patron Feast of St. Jacob Ward, Kambla, was a vibrant and joyous occasion celebrated on Sunday, August 11th, during the 7:30 a.m. Mass. The event brought together ward members, parishioners, and the community to honor the feast day
The feast Mass was celebrated by the bishop Most Rev. Dr. Wilfred and con celebrated by Rev. Fr. Michael. Adding a special significance to the occasion.
In the ward program was held to celebrate the ward fest at Mr. Henry Cicilia Aranha's residence, The stage was decorated by the presense of Rev Fr. Michael, pastoral VP Mr. Belchar, Mr Henry Cicilia Aranha, Juliana Furtado along with ward leader, secretory and representatives, program included a variety of cultural activities, starting with a welcome dance and a prayer. The young children of the ward delighted the attendees with their dance performance. In addition, 15 children from the ward were recognized for their achievements. Entertainment games were also conducted, adding to the festive atmosphere.
The contributions of several individuals were acknowledged during the program. Gurkar William Sequeira, Representative Lawarence Charles Sequeira, Henry Cicilia Aranha, and Secretory Shanti Saldanha were all felicitated for their hard work and dedication to the community by parish priest Fr. Michael. William Sequeira welcomed the guests, and Secretary Shanti Saldanha presented the ward report. Cicilia Aranha and Lawarence Charles Sequeira expressed their thanks to all who supported the event. The event was hosted by Siyana and Helen talented ward members.
Photos capturing the highlights of the day were taken by Santhosh Saldanha, ensuring that the memories of this special occasion were preserved.
11th August 2024 - Felicitation of Bishop of Jhansi
Newly ordained Bishop of the Jhansi Diocese of Uttar Pradesh, Most Rev. Dr. Bishop Wilfred Gregory Moras was felicitated on Sunday 11th August, after the 7:30am mass.
Parish priest Rev. Fr. Michael Mascarenhas along with the parish pastoral council vice president Mr. Belchar Mascarenhas and Co Ordinator Mr. Suraj Moras along with the parish community were carried the honors of felicitation.
28th July, 2024 - Titular feast of St Jacob Church Kateel | Website launched!
St.Jacob church, kateel celebrated titular feast of St Jacob Church Kateel at 10am, a special prayer service is organised for grandfather-grandmother and elderly people. Parish priest Rev.Fr. Michael mascarenhas lead the prayers and adoration. Thanks giving mass is offered by Rev Fr Santhosh, socius priest of Mudipu, Fr.Lancy, principal St Mary’s Central school and Fr. Michael Mascarenhas. Parish priest Kateel celebrated the mass. After the mass, church website is inuagarated. Prathibha puraskar -Highest scorers in SSLC and puc are honoured. "Sahabojan" - Lunch is served to the devotees present. The food is is cooked by parishoners themselves. Open gallery for more photos
2nd June, 2024 - Catechism year inauguration
On first Sunday of june catechism year has been inaugurated. From 1st standard upto second puc students participated along with teachers, parents and parish priest. One representative from each class holding bible represented word of God in our life. Teachers distributed text book s and rosary.parents taught children how to pray.parish priest lead the voth.Grand parents also present in the program.
12-13th April, 2024 - Summer camp
Summer camp held on 12,and 13 of April. 40 students from 1st standard to 10th participatef in the camp.Bethany sisters are resource persons. Various games, activities and talks on bible and other subjects were there.
31st March, 2024 - Easter celebration
Easter Sunday is celebrated as a mark of resurrection of Jesus Christ on saturday evening vigil mass was held Fr Michael Dsouza was chief celebrate. Fire blessings, lighting the pascal candle, blessings of holy water are special ceremonies on that day.
3rd January, 2024 - Church annual feast
Annual feast of our parish this year held on 3rd January. Procession eas held on 31st December. Holy Eucharist was taken in procession.way of procession eas decorated .on feast day at 20 o’clock mass was held.15 priest took part in the concelebration.
29th December, 2022 - Golden Jubilee
Golden jubilee of our parish was held on 29th December 2022. Bishop of manglore Rt. Rev.Peter Paul Saldanha was the chief guest. After the holy mass a celebration was held . cultural programme, honouring the office bearers, priest,and lay leaders was held. Fr Michael Mascarenhas,the parish priest welcomed the gathering.lunch was served.souvenir was released.