Golden Jubilee of St Jacob Church

A jubilee is a special year of remission of sins, debts and universal pardon. In Leviticus, a jubilee year is mentioned to occur every 50th year; during which slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest.

In Western Christianity, the tradition dates to 1300, when Pope Boniface VIII convoked a holy year, following which ordinary jubilees have generally been celebrated every 25 or 50 years, with extraordinary jubilees in addition depending on need. Catholic jubilees, particularly in the Latin Church, generally involve a pilgrimage to a sacred site, normally the city of Rome. The Catholic Church declared an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy for 2015–2016. The next jubilee year will be celebrated in 2025.

Historical background :

In 1964 Fr. Jacob Lobo parish priest of Kinnigoli purchased a land. On this land in Kondemula grama chapel was constructed and dedicated to St. Jacob and it was inaugurated on 4 th December 1968 though Kateel became a parish in 1969 with wards from Kinnigoli, Kirem and Permude parishes, it was served from Kinnigoli until 12 Feb 1971 when Fr. Benedict S. Rego (1971-1979) was appointed as the Parish priest.

Fr. Fredrick Pinto (1980-1983) initiated the construction of new church. The new church building construction work was started by Fr. Joseph A. Cardoza. He succeeded in obtaining a government land of about half acre for the cemetery. The new church building was blessed on 4 November 1986 during the time of Fr. Joseph A Cardoza (1983-1990). The belfry and the open air stage were constructed and inaugurated on 21 March 1993. Silver Jubilee of parish celebrated on 07 May 1996 during the time of Fr. John Joseph Martis (1991-1998). Repair work of church roof was done during the time of Fr. Victor A. Pinto (1998-2005). Fr. Stany Monteiro (2005-2007) renovated the Church and Altar. Fr. Robert Crasta (2007-20012) constructed the Grotto and Arch at the main entrance of Church. During the time of Fr. Ronald Cutinha (2012-2019) new church community hall and presbytery was built and inaugurated on 31 October 2016. 

Fr. Michael Mascarenhas(2019-) was parish priest from 2019. During Golden Jubilee of church (29.12.2022) painting of church, altar and church repair works are done. A road to Cemetery is constructed and interlocking is done. Church roof is repaired . Cemetery compound wall is built. Along with these works we repaired two mud roads. One issue related to public road has been settled . We took statue of patron St. Jacob to all houses of our parish. We organised night vigil prayer for three days i.e., December 19,20,21. Environment commission organised cleaning of roadsides from Moorukaveri to Kateel. We picked all plastics and other garbages. Water conservation project Jala Bhandhan and Vraksha Vandan were executed. We took part in Saree donation program. We conducted career guidance programme and drug, alcohol addiction awareness programme. Distributed scholarship to 20 deserving students. We also conducted medical camp and medical help is given to needy patients.

We organised Christmas Souhardha Kuta on December 22, to develop communal harmony. Vedamoorthy Shri Kamala Devi Prasad, Asranna of Sri Durga Parameshwari Temple, Kateel, CEO of Kinnigoli Pattana Panchayat, Medical Officer of Primary Health Centre Kateel, president and office bearers of Sri Bramha Mugera Mahakali temple Gidegere were chief guests. Local people participated in the programme. We conclude with blessings of St. Jacob our patron.